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I Have a Dream: Celebrating Equal Opportunity for All

Martin Luther King delivered I Have a Dream to the world on August 28, 1963. On August 28, 2019 Mr. Stephon Ferguson will deliver the same speech to western Colorado in the Love Recital Hall at CMU.

Many community members have already secured complementary tickets to this event. For those who have not, seats are still available here.

In addition to the performance of the world famous I Have a Dream, CMU theatre arts student Brooklyn Buhre will sing Pride (In the Name of Love), a song by U2 written about the passing of Dr. King. CMU music faculty will also perform prior to the speech.

To commemorate the anniversary of I Have a Dream, join the CMU Civic Forum, the CMU Cultural Inclusion Council as well as students, faculty and staff in welcoming Mr. Stephon Ferguson to western Colorado.

The free performance will be begin at 5:30pm this Wednesday, August 28th. The event is open to the general public. Seats are limited so do not wait to RSVP here.

Thank you for making our world better by investing your time celebrating one of the most important public speeches in U.S. history.

Tim Foster, President
Colorado Mesa University


Written by Tim Foster

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